
LindeSee more

addressAddressTonawanda, NY
type Form of workFull-Time
CategoryHuman Resources

Job description

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Linde Inc.

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Specialist

Tonawanda, NY, United Statesreq14826

What you will enjoy doing* (DUTIES)

  • Serve as the lead technologyspecialist spearheading the development and implementation of technology programs
  • Coach internal replication teams on the roll-out of predictive reliabilitytechnology, including technology for steam turbines, reciprocating machines,and cryo-expanders
  • Provide expertise on data science topics, such as databasedesign, machine learning algorithm and visualization
  • Engage with customersfrom other department (safety, finance and productivity) and utilize suitablesolutions, such as data visualization and workflow automation, to addressbusiness needs
  • Lead and manage entire life cycle of new machine learningprojects (initiation, database schema and algorithm selection, piloting,replication template creation and commercialization) for process automation,monitoring and predictive maintenance in ASU and HyCO plants
  • Remote work maybe permitted within a commutable distance from the worksite pursuant to companypolicy

What makes you great (REQTS)

  • Must have a Master's degree or foreign equivalent in Chemical Engineering or a related field, plus two (2) years of experience in the position offered or a related position
  • Must have two (2) years of experience in advanced process control including Model Predictive Control (MPC) and optimization, and supervised and unsupervised machine learning technology including Principal component analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS), develop computer applications, systems and tools to improve assets and plant reliability, and plant efficiency; apply optimization, control and machine learning to develop programs and systems to monitor, control and optimization of Air Separation and Hydrogen Process that can perform automated tasks to control and monitor plant processes and equipment assets; Software design, implementation, testing and troubleshooting focused on Scientific / Technical systems including Matlab, python, C#, SQL, Operator training simulators and dynamic simulation based on Unisim dynamics; design, integrate and maintain database systems including SQL and computer programs; advanced machine learning methods, signal processing, and statistics; advanced optimization algorithms including gradient-based and heuristic, interior-point, branch-and-bound, trust region, and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP); Operation and control of air separation unit; Programming languages, including Matlab, Python, C#, JavaScript, and VBA; and Dynamic simulation of complex chemical processes, including air separation
  • 10% travel to Linde sites both domestic and international

Why you will love working with us

Linde serves a variety of end markets including chemicals, energy & decarbonization, food & beverage, electronics, healthcare, manufacturing, metals & mining. Linde's industrial gases are used in countless applications, from life-saving oxygen for hospitals to high-purity & specialty gases for electronics manufacturing, hydrogen for clean fuels and much more. Linde also delivers state-of-the-art gas processing solutions to support customer expansion, efficiency improvements and emissions reductions.
In this role you must learn and abide the Linde Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct by demonstrating honesty, integrity, professionalism in all communications, actions, and decisions.

What we offer you!

The weekly working hours are Mo - Fr (40 hours per week). It is a full time role. Salary: $131,953.08 - $132,000/year.

Have we inspired you? Lets talk about it

We are looking forward to receiving your complete application (motivation letter, resume, certificates) by selecting the "Apply Now" button above.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by applicable law.
Linde acts responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees, society and the environment in every one of its business areas, regions and locations across the globe. The company is committed to tech...

Refer code: 7294481. Linde - The previous day - 2023-12-19 07:55


Tonawanda, NY
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