
LindeSee more

addressAddressTonawanda, NY
type Form of workFull-Time

Job description

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Linde Engineering North America LLC

Project Engineer - Small Onsite Team

Tonawanda, NY, United States | req14896

What you will enjoy doing*

  • You will support project specific proposal preparation, i.e. perform site visits, prepare definition layouts working with the team & lead layout review meetings, assist in obtaining preliminary construction estimates
  • Manage or complete Project Engineering and plant design activities such as developing and reviewing bid & construction packages, completing design safety checklists, assist in obtaining permits, reviewing and documenting changes and performing engineering calculations to meet quality, schedule and cost goals
  • Also, you will enter order requests for skid and field BOM items
  • Manage fabrication of modules and skids
  • Assist in contractor evaluation and participating in contractor bid walks
  • In addition, you will also assist construction manager in resolving design issues in the field and providing construction management support as needed
  • Participate in field commissioning and start-up activities
  • Additionally, you will maintain a thorough knowledge of Linde SOS product lines, Standards and Industry Standards
  • Coordinate with Small On-Site Product Line team to obtain deliverables and provide feedback
  • Serve as a vital link between engineering and project manager

What makes you great

  • You have a BS in engineering
  • 8+ years' experience in plant design, mechanical, or control systems engineering
  • Also, you have an understanding of P&ID diagrams and/or schematic wiring diagrams
  • Ability to use AutoCAD at a basic skill level
  • You have the ability to travel up to 20% per year
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) certification a plus

Why you will love working with us

Linde Engineering Americas (LEA) is a member of the Linde Engineering Division of Linde plc. LEA is a single-source technology, engineering, procurement and construction firm focused on providing innovative solutions to customers. Areas of expertise include hydrogen solutions, air separation, carbon capture, adsorption, gas processing, deep cryogenics, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and fired process equipment.
In this role you must learn and abide the Linde Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct by demonstrating honesty, integrity, professionalism in all communications, actions, and decisions.

What we offer you!

At Linde, the sky is not the limit. If you're looking to build a career where your work reaches beyond your job description and betters the people with whom you work, the communities we serve, and the world in which we all live, at Linde, your opportunities are limitless. Be Linde. Be Limitless.
In addition to competitive compensation, we offer a wide range of medical options to suit everyone's needs. Other benefits include; educational and professional development, employee discount program, 401K, pension plan, and life insurance, just to name a few.
Salary Pay Range: 86,625USD - 1501,50USD

Have we inspired you? Lets talk about it

We are looking forward to receiving your complete application.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by applicable law.
Linde acts responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees, society and the environment in every one of its business areas, regions and locations across the globe...

Refer code: 6892631. Linde - The previous day - 2023-12-11 22:25


Tonawanda, NY
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