
LindeSee more

addressAddressTonawanda, NY
type Form of workFull-Time
CategoryInformation Technology

Job description

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Linde Engineering North America LLC

Instrumentation and Controls Engineer

Tonawanda, NY, United States | req15757

What you will enjoy doing*

  • You will perform engineering and design work, in support of the Instrumentation and Controls team
  • Also, you will participate in preparation of documentation, reports and summaries to communicate project progress or results
  • You will specify Instrumentation and analytical equipment in support of industrial gas production and distribution facilities
  • Investigate problems and requirements within projects and develop and implement appropriate solutions
  • You will ensure that designs comply with design, safety and quality standards and requirements
  • Understand and apply global engineering work processes
  • You will work with customers, Research and Development teams, and/or Process Engineers to design and develop new control processes.
  • Also, you can support and/or train owner/operators on instrumentation maintenance, test and calibration protocols
  • You will support optimization of processes to improve system efficiency and reliability
  • You can troubleshoot field issues or concerns
  • In addition, you will work with Drafter/Designers on P&ID development, SWD development, communications network, and control and analytical panel designs
  • You will oversee subcontracted panel builders and conduct factory acceptance review of control system equipment before shipment to the field
  • Additionally, you may travel from time to time to do field investigations for project and proposal development
  • You can manage multiple efforts in various, project stages, simultaneously

What makes you great

  • You have a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Automation Engineering with minimum of 2 years experience in instrumentation technologies, process automation, or plant operations
  • Alternatively, you have earned a similar AAS with minimum of 8 years of work experience in instrumentation technologies, process automation, or plant operations
  • Also, you have proficient working knowledge of industrial PLCs, sensing technologies, networks, and Controls wiring
  • You have proficient working knowledge of P&ID development, SWD development and Control Panel Design
  • ACAD Electrical, Promis.e and/or Comos software experience a plus
  • PLC/DCS programming experience a plus
  • In addition, you have working knowledge of ISA standards, SIL systems, analytical systems, NEC, NFPA, and/or IIAR standards preferred
  • You are a self motivated, curious, collaborative, goal driven individual

Why you will love working with us

Linde Engineering Americas (LEA) is a member of the Linde Engineering Division of Linde plc. LEA is a single-source technology, engineering, procurement and construction firm focused on providing innovative solutions to customers. Areas of expertise include hydrogen solutions, air separation, carbon capture, adsorption, gas processing, deep cryogenics, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and fired process equipment.
In this role you must learn and abide the Linde Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct by demonstrating honesty, integrity, professionalism in all communications, actions, and decisions.

What we offer you!

At Linde, the sky is not the limit. If you're looking to build a career where your work reaches beyond your job description and betters the people with whom you work, the communities we serve, and the world in which we all live, at Linde, your opportunities are limitless. Be Linde. Be Limitless.
In addition to competitive compensation, we offer a wide range of medical options t...

Refer code: 8074883. Linde - The previous day - 2024-02-02 18:46


Tonawanda, NY
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