
Linde GroupSee more

addressAddressEllisville, MS
type Form of workFull-Time
CategoryInformation Technology

Job description

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Linde Advanced Material Technologies Inc.

Controls Engineering Technician

Ellisville, MS, United States | req14621 First shift

What you will enjoy doing*

  • Support daily troubleshooting efforts at furnaces, water jets, and coaters as directed by plant leadership
  • You will work with Engineering/Operations/Maintenance organizations to improve equipment uptime and resolve equipment controls issues
  • You will analyze the reasons for equipment failure and supports Root Cause Analysis (RCA) efforts
  • Participate in reliability-related incident investigations; prioritizes action items, and follows-up on their implementation
  • Support Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM) efforts to increase machine utilization, as defined by facility targets
  • Analyze process data and lead improvement projects

What makes you great

  • Associates degree or greater required or equivalent electronics / instrumentation experience
  • 3+ years of manufacturing experience required
  • Experience with Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 5000 PLCs required
  • Troubleshooting experience with motor controls and safety circuits preferred
  • You must have effective project management skills with the ability to complete multiple projects independently
  • Working extended hours and / or weekends and holidays may be required

Why you will love working with us

Linde Advanced Material Technologies, formerly Praxair Surface Technologies, is a company that revolutionizes industries through innovative materials and surface coatings. We are leaders in advanced materials and offer metal powders, sputtering targets, and surface coatings that enhance performance across various sectors. Our strong focus on innovation is evident in our superior technologies for the aerospace, energy, semiconductor, automotive, and industrial industries.
Linde employees learn and abide the Linde Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct by demonstrating honesty, integrity, professionalism in all communications, actions, and decisions.

What we offer you!

At Linde, the sky is not the limit. If you're looking to build a career where your work reaches beyond your job description and betters the people with whom you work, the communities we serve, and the world in which we all live, at Linde, your opportunities are limitless. Be Linde. Be Limitless.
In addition to competitive compensation, we offer a wide range of medical options to suit everyone's needs. Other benefits include; educational and professional development, employee discount program, 401K, pension plan, and In addition to competitive compensation we offer a wide range of medical options to suit everyone's needs.

Have we inspired you? Lets talk about it

We are looking forward to receiving your complete application.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by applicable law.
Linde Advanced Material Technologies Inc. abides by applicable export control laws includingthe Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the International Traffic inArms Regulations (ITAR) in accordance with the company's export controlprocedures.  As such, persons considered for this position must be eithera U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident (green card holder) or otherwiseclassifiable as a U.S. person under relevant regulations.
Linde Advanced Material Technologies Inc. acts responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees, society and the environment in every one of its business areas, regions and locations across the globe. The company is committed to technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and sustainable development.

  • The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by employees assigned to this classification. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of employees assigned to this position. Therefore employees assigned may be required to perform additional job tasks required by the manager.


Refer code: 6892170. Linde Group - The previous day - 2023-12-11 22:10

Linde Group

Ellisville, MS
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