
Linde GroupSee more

addressAddressTexas, United States
type Form of workFull-Time

Job description

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Linde Engineering North America LLC

Construction Project Manager

The Woodland, TX, United States | req14506

What you will enjoy doing*

  • In this role you are responsible for the overall support, direction and management of the construction portion of a project, from proposal preparation to mechanical completion, as required to support the designated LPP Project Manager
  • Involvement in the estimating stage of a project to ensure that the required costs are covered is part of this role, as well as the preparation of the construction estimate checklist for use by the proposal team
  • You will visit the construction site during the bid stage to determine constraints or special requirements and review all proposal documents to determine special requirements, permits, licenses, etc. that are required for construction, and need to be included in the cost estimate
  • Further; you will define the scope of work for construction, and determine all requirements to execute the construction portion
  • You will participate in the review of documents for constructability, determine the amount of modularizing that will be cost effective and maintain constructability reviews throughout the basic and detail engineering phases
  • Also; you are in charge to initiate and periodically update the construction execution plan
  • In addition; you will participate in the kick-off meeting to review and agree on the respective scope of work, special requirements, schedule, and budget
  • Utilize construction management methodologies, system and tools as defined by company is part of your function 
  • Moreover; you will lead the Construction Project team and facilitate the communication and interaction among the functional representatives, internal and external
  • Review the bid tabulation with the director of construction, Project Manager, and manager of procurement is required 
  • Forward all bid and subcontract documents to the construction site manager for subcontract administration is part of your tasks 
  • You must implement progress monitoring techniques for each subcontractor, in accordance with the applicable policies and work instructions, or as may be required for a specific contract

What makes you great

  • You have a BS / BA or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Further, you have three (3) or more years experience managing $25 million or greater Construction Projects
  • Moreover, you possess a broad understanding of each construction discipline
  • In addition, you have effective leadership skills, as well as computer skills in Microsoft Office software, Lotus Notes, and other company and discipline specific software applications
  • You own effective communication skills both verbally and in writing with superiors, colleagues, and individuals inside and outside the company
  • Effective analytical and problem-solving skills round up your profile

Why you will love working with us

Linde Engineering Americas (LEA) is a member of the Linde Engineering Division of Linde plc. LEA is a single-source technology, engineering, procurement and construction firm focused on providing innovative solutions to customers. Areas of expertise include hydrogen solutions, air separation, carbon capture, adsorption, gas processing, deep cryogenics, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and fired process equipment.
In this role you must learn and abide the Linde Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct by demonstrating honesty, integrity, professionalism in all communications, actions, and decisions.

What we offer you!

At Linde, the sky is not the limit. If you're looking to build a career where your work reaches beyond your job description and betters the people with whom you work, the communities we serve, and the world in which we all live...

Refer code: 6891575. Linde Group - The previous day - 2023-12-11 21:45

Linde Group

Texas, United States
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