
LindeSee more

addressAddressDanbury, CT
type Form of workFull-Time

Job description

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Linde Inc.

Associate Director - Technical Accounting

Danbury, CT, or Tonawanda, NY, United States | req15375

What you will enjoy doing*

  • In this position you will provide Technical Accounting guidance to Linde's global finance organization on matters concerning US GAAP and SEC reporting requirements, including accounting for areas such as: derivatives, leasing, revenue recognition, accounting for business combinations, consolidation and valuation matters
  • Coordinate and supervise the development and implementation of new policies and procedures required to address new accounting guidance
  • Assist the SEC reporting team responsible for preparation of Linde's Forms 10-K and 10-Q. Includes managing the interface with other internal functions including Investor Relations, Tax and Treasury, as necessary
  • Act as a liaison between Linde and External Audit on various accounting matters and assist in the integration of newly acquired businesses, including oversight of the preparation of opening balance sheet and adoption of Linde policies and procedures (i.e., purchase accounting)
  • You will provide training to Linde's global finance organization on Technical Accounting matters

What makes you great

  • You will need to have a Bachelor's degree in Accounting / Finance, as well as CPA (required)
  • You should have a minimum 7+ years' accounting experience (5+ years' public accounting) with demonstrated success and progression in prior work experience
  • Ability to translate theory into understandable business practice and processes
  • Possess a strong sense of urgency and accountability, and demonstrated ability to work with diverse cultures and practices
  • Quick comprehension of complex topics, strong analytical skills, strong MS Excel, Word and Power Point knowledge
  • You should have strong leadership skills and the ability to coach/mentor others
  • Familiarity with Hyperion, JDE and SAP a plus

Why you will love working with us

Linde is a leading global industrial gases and engineering company, operating in more than 100 countries worldwide. We live our mission of making our world more productive every day by providing high-quality solutions, technologies and services which are making our customers more successful and helping to sustain and protect our planet. The company serves a variety of end markets including chemicals & energy, food & beverage, electronics, healthcare, manufacturing, metals and mining. Linde's industrial gases are used in countless applications, from life-saving oxygen for hospitals to high-purity & specialty gases for electronics manufacturing, hydrogen for clean fuels and much more. Linde also delivers state-of-the-art gas processing solutions to support customer expansion, efficiency improvements and emissions reductions.
Linde employees learn and abide the Linde Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct by demonstrating honesty, integrity, professionalism in all communications, actions, and decisions.

What we offer you!

At Linde, the sky is not the limit. If you're looking to build a career where your work reaches beyond your job description and betters the people with whom you work, the communities we serve, and the world in which we all live, at Linde, your opportunities are limitless. Be Linde. Be Limitless.
Every day is an opportunity: an opportunity to learn, to grow, to share success, and to contribute to one of the world's leading industrial gas and engineering companies. Seize the opportunity: take your next step with us and join our team.
In addition to competitive compensation we offer a wide range of medical options to suit everyone's needs. Other benefits include; educational and professional development, employee discount program, 401K, pension plan, and life insurance, just to name a few. The salary range for this role is: $115,350 - 169,180.

Have we inspired you? Lets talk about it

We are looking forward to receiving your complete application.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by applicable law.
Linde Inc. act...

Refer code: 7094596. Linde - The previous day - 2023-12-16 05:35


Danbury, CT
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